Our first meeting with our new President started out with a little forced wallowing in misery. (Already you are salivating to learn more.)
See how much fun Lucien (on the left) is having? Look closely.
Actually, we had a great discussion about what makes it tough to be a writer/author. We're constantly juggling our desire to create with our busy lives and our own insecurities. Our wallowing was not fruitless; however, because we discussed ways that we as a writing community can help and support one another.
Check out these great tools for combating all sorts of roadblocks.
First: Our Tooele Writer's Facebook Group. Need a little encouragement? Post it! Want to share something great that you accomplished? Post it! Read something that inspired you in your writing and want to shout it to the world? Post it! Feeling stuck? Post it! Feeling like you want to tell Christina to stop asking questions and then answering them herself in this blog post? Post that too!!! I think that the Facebook Group is a great way to connect with each other, and to support one another, with whatever we need. Just ASK!!!
Second: Check out Goodreads.com and consider becoming a member. Did you know that you can not only do and read reviews, but you can actually post recommendations for other readers? Even readers that are asking for certain types of novels. Recommend your fellow author's books!
Third: This here blog you are reading right now! If you write a blog post and you want me to post it here, I am happy to do it. The more traffic we get on this site, the more aware of it google will be and that means more exposure for YOU. Be sure to ask me to add your personal blog link or website to the side bar. If it's not there, let me know! Browse other writer's blogs when you get a moment and keep yourself connected!
In other news:
Don't forget to send Terron your information so you can be included in our chapter directory.
AND.........drumroll please....................
Congratulations to Terron James and Roseanne Wilkins for being nominated for Whitney Awards!!! Very exciting!
This first picture was taken with my camera on the wrong setting. Which is why the quality is poor. However, it needed to be shared because of Terron's expression. Yes. Yes it did.
Here is the "official" nominees picture.
Congrats guys!! Can't wait to see what happens!!
By the by, if you haven't had a chance yet to make yourself an official member of the League of Utah Writers, you can easily join and pay online at luwriters.org.
What are your ideas on how we can help one another achieve our goals? Leave a comment! Here's to supporting and inspiring one another! Cheers!
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