It's a new month! Welcome to April everyone.
First of all:
-CONGRATULATIONS to Karen Hoover, her novel The Sapphire Flute was released last month and she has had several launch parties and book signings. We are so proud of you!!!!
-Members of our league have been busy planning critique groups and met in March. Word on the street was that it was fun and very helpful.
Each member of the critique group sends up to ten pages of your work in progress to the other members, then during the meeting everyone discusses and gives back suggestions. The next meeting is April 6th, at 7:00 p.m. Contact Laura Bastian for further information.
-Any Facebookers out there?
There is a Tooele Writers group that has all the updates about the critique group. You must add Laura Bastian as your Facebook friend to be invited to the group, it is very private so members can freely share work.
-April's writers meeting will be held on Thursday, April 15th at Cheri's house. Contact Cheri for driving directions to her new home. We've got some exciting things in the works so everyone please attend! We are looking forward to scheduling a local publishing company to come speak to our group. More info TBA and please bring a friend!
-Laura is excited to share she has started several new projects, one of which is outside of her usual writing style! Way to go Laura, stretch those creative wings!
-I will still be doing spotlights on members every other month or so. If I have not received your picture, short "about the author" and personal bio you'd like to share, I am reminding you once again to please send it over! We have more members in our group then I have pictures!
Happy Writing!
Utah Author's Day 2024!
1 month ago